
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Upcoming Regents Meetings: July 16-18, 2024

The Regents are meeting at UC-San Francisco, July 16-18. The meeting was originally scheduled just on July 17-18, but a day has been added. Below is the preliminary agenda:

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

3:30 pm Health Services Committee (open session - includes public comment session)

Agenda – Open Session

H1 Action: Amendment of the Clinical Enterprise Management Recognition Plan

H2 Action: Ratification of Assurance of Voluntary Compliance for Acquisition of Dignity Health Facilities, San Francisco Campus


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

8:30 am Board (open session - includes public comment session)

Agenda – Open Session

Public Comment Period (30 minutes)

Remarks of the Chair of the Board

Remarks of the President of the University

Remarks of the Chair of the Academic Senate

Annual Council of University of California Staff Assemblies Report

Committee Report: Special Committee to Select a Student Regent: Appointment of 2025–26 Student Regent


10:00 am Joint Meeting: Health Services Committee and Governance Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

J1 Action: 2024 Benchmarking Framework for Non-State-Funded UC Health Senior Management Group Positions


10:15 am Governance Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2024

G1 Action: 2024 Market Reference Zones for Senior Management Group Positions

G2 Action: Resolution to Exclude Access to Federal Classified Information


10:35 am Joint Meeting: Academic and Student Affairs Committee and Compliance and Audit Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of March 20, 2024

J2 Action: Adoption of Regents Policy on the Use of University Administrative Websites

NOTE: This item involving political statements by UC departments has been deferred serially from several meetings and was referred to as J1 in prior meetings.


11:05 am Investments Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings of March 21 and May 15, 2024

I1 Action: Amendment to the Office of the Chief Investment Officer Annual Incentive Plan


11:20 am National Laboratories Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of January 24, 2024

N1 Action: Allocation of LLC Fee Income to be Expended in Fiscal Year 2024-25


Concurrent Meetings:

12:30 pm Compliance and Audit Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2024

C1 Action: Compliance Plan for 2024-25 and Internal Audit Plan for 2024-25

Upon end of open session: Compliance and Audit Committee (closed session)

Agenda – Closed Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2024

C2(X) Action: Recommended Settlements for Board Action: 

(Various settlement agreements involving construction, employment, medical, and whistleblower issues)

C3(X) Discussion: Appellate, Trial Court Developments and Updates

(Status of various cases involving construction, antisemitism, protests, environment, medical, and other issues)

C4(X) Information: Settlements and Separation Agreements under Delegated Authority Reported from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024


12:30 pm Public Engagement and Development Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of March 20, 2024

P1 Discussion: Update from Interim Senior Vice President of External Relations and Communications

P2 Discussion: Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

P3 Discussion: UC Merced in the Valley and Sierra K-16 Collaboratives

P4 Discussion: Activating Alumni Associations for Advocacy


2:10 pm Special Committee on Nominations (closed session)

Agenda – Closed Session

S1(X) Action: Appointment of a Regent to a Standing Committee for 2024-25 and Appointment of Regents-designate and Faculty

Representatives as Advisory Members to Standing Committees for 2024-25


Concurrent Meetings:

2:15 pm Finance and Capital Strategies Committee (closed session)

Agenda – Closed Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2024

F1(X) Discussion: Legal Compliance Regarding Cal Softball Field Renovation Project, Berkeley Campus 

Upon end of closed session: Finance and Capital Strategies Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2024

F1 Action: Cal Softball Field Renovation, Berkeley Campus: Amendment of Budget, External Financing, Scope, and Design Following Certification of an Environmental Impact Report Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

Consent Agenda:

F2A Action: Consent Item: Indemnification Terms in Banking Agreements

F2B Action: Consent Item: Pepper Canyon East District Phase 1, San Diego Campus: Preliminary Plans Funding

F3 Action: Segundo Infill Student Housing, Davis Campus: Budget, Scope, External Financing, and Design Following Consideration of an Addendum to the 2018 Long Range Development Plan Environmental Impact Report Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

F4 Action: Campus Integrated Utilities Solutions, Merced Campus: Preliminary Plans Funding, Phase 1 and Partial Preliminary Plans Funding, Phase 2

F5 Action: Multidisciplinary Life Sciences Building, San Diego Campus: Budget, Scope, External Financing, and Design Following Consideration of an Addendum to the 2018 Long Range Development Plan Environmental Impact Report Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

F6 Action: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland New Hospital Building, San Francisco Campus: Budget, Scope, External Financing, Amendment Number 11 to the UC San Francisco 2014 Long Range Development Plan, and Design Following Certification of an Environmental Impact Report Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

F7 Action: University of California Retirement Plan – Amendment to Provide Vesting Credit for Eligible Employees Transferring from Dignity Health Facilities to UCSF

NOTE: It would be interesting to know if the incorporation of Dignity employees into the pension is being done in some neutral way that doesn't increase unfunded liabilities.

F8 Discussion: Update on the Final 2024-25 State Budget


2:15 pm Academic and Student Affairs Committee (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2024

A1 Action: Establishment of the Joe C. Wen School of Population and Public Health, UC Irvine

A2 Action: Establishment of the School of Computing, Information, and Data Sciences at UC San Diego

A3 Discussion: The University of California Press—A New Chapter

A4 Discussion: The California Institutes for Science and Innovation: Research-Driven Engines of Impact

A5 Discussion: BOARS Update on Mathematics (Area C) Preparation for UC

NOTE: There has been considerable controversy surrounding the high school math requirement to enter UC.)

A6 Discussion: University of California Collegiate Recovery Programs

NOTE: These programs appear to provide help to students with alcohol, drug, and other problems.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

8:30 am Board (open session - includes public comment session)

Public Comment Period (30 minutes)

Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings of May 15, 16, and June 12, 2024

Remarks from Student Associations

9:30 am Board (closed session)

Agenda – Closed Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings of April 26, May 3, and May 16, 2024

B1(X) Action: Termination of a Faculty Member, Irvine Campus

B2(X) Discussion: Collective Bargaining

-Committee Reports Including Approval of Recommendations from Committees:

-Compliance and Audit Committee

-Finance and Capital Strategies Committee

-Health Services Committee (meeting of June 12, 2024)

Officers’ and President’s Reports:

-Personnel Matters

-Report of Interim, Concurrence, and Committee Action:s

-Report of Materials Mailed Between Meetings

12:45 am Board (open session)

Agenda – Open Session

Committee Reports Including Approvals of Recommendations from Committees:

-Academic and Student Affairs Committee

-Compliance and Audit Committee

-Finance and Capital Strategies Committee

-Governance Committee

-Health Services Committee (meetings of June 12 and July 16, 2024)

-Investments Committee

-Joint Meeting: Academic and Student Affairs Committee and Compliance and Audit Committee

-Joint Meeting: Health Services Committee and Governance Committee

-National Laboratories Committee

-Public Engagement and Development Committee

-Special Committee on Nominations

B4 Discussion: State of Staff at the University of California



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