
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Changes in Regents Leadership

The University of California announces that Janet Reilly will serves as Chair of the Board of Regents and Maria Anguiano as Vice Chair commencing July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. The appointed chairs for the Board's Standing Committees for 2024-25 include:

Regent Cohen, chair of the Finance and Capital Strategies Committee

Regent Sures, chair of the Compliance and Audit Committee

Regent Leib, chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee

Regent Pérez, chair of the Health Services Committee

Regent Sarris, chair of the Public Engagement and Development Committee

Regent Robinson, chair of the Investments Committee

Regent Hernandez, chair of the National Laboratories Committee


Academic and Student Affairs Committee

Membership: Regents Anguiano (Vice Chair), Batchlor, Beharry, Guber, Hernandez, Leib (Chair), Pack, Park, Rivas, Robinson, Salazar, and Sarris

Ex officio members: Regents Drake, Newsom, Reilly and Thurmond

Advisory members: Faculty Representative Steintrager; Chancellors Gillman, Khosla, Lyons, Muñoz, Wilcox, and Yang

Advisor to the Regents: Staff Advisor Emiru


Compliance and Audit Committee

Membership: Regents Anguiano, Batchlor, Beharry, Cohen, Elliott (Vice Chair), Leib, Makarechian, Matosantos, Park, Pérez, Rivas, Sherman, and Sures (Chair)

Ex officio members: Regents Newsom and Reilly 

Advisory members: Faculty Representative Cheung; Chancellors Gillman, Hawgood, Khosla, Larive, and Yang

Advisors to the Regents: Michael Schini; Staff Advisor Frias


Finance and Capital Strategies Committee

Membership: Regents Chu, Cohen (Chair), Elliott, Kounalakis, Lee, Makarechian (Vice Chair), Matosantos, Pérez, Sherman, and Sures

Ex officio members: Regents Drake, Newsom, and Reilly 

Advisory members: Faculty Representative Cheung; Chancellors Hawgood, Larive, and May

Advisor to the Regents: Staff Advisor Frias

Governance Committee

Membership: Regents Anguiano (Vice Chair) Cohen, Drake, Hernandez, Leib, Newsom, Pérez, Reilly (Chair), Robinson, Sarris, and Sures


Health Services Committee

Membership: Regents Batchlor, Chu, Makarechian, Park, Pérez (Chair), Sherman, and Sures (Vice Chair)

Ex officio members: Regents Drake, Newsom, and Reilly 

Advisory members: Chancellors Hawgood, Khosla, and Wilcox; David Rubin; Lilly Marks; Michael Ong


Investments Committee

Membership: Regents Anguiano, Cohen, Lee, Leib, Makarechian, Matosantos, Pack, Park, Robinson (Chair), and Sherman (Vice Chair)

Ex officio member: Regents Drake, Newsom, and Reilly 

Advisory members: Faculty Representative Steintrager; Chancellors Hawgood, Khosla, Lyons, Muñoz, and Wilcox; Drew Zager

Advisor to the Regents: Staff Advisor Emiru


National Laboratories Committee

Membership: Regents Hernandez (Chair), Kounalakis (Vice Chair), Lee, Pack, Robinson, Salazar, Sherman, and Sures

Ex officio member: Regents Drake, Newsom, and Reilly 

Advisory members: Faculty Representative Cheung; Chancellors Hawgood, Larive, May, and Yang; Robert Powell

Advisor to the Regents: Staff Advisor Frias


Public Engagement and Development Committee

Membership: Regents Chu, Guber, Hernandez, Kounalakis, Lee, Pack, Robinson, Salazar (Vice Chair), and Sarris (Chair)

Ex officio members: Regents Drake, Newsom, and Reilly 

Advisory members: Faculty Representative Steintrager; Chancellors Lyons, May, Muñoz, and Wilcox

Advisor to the Regents: Staff Advisor Emiru


Special Committee on Athletics

Membership: Regents Beharry, Hernandez (Chair), Matosantos, Park, Robinson (Vice Chair), and Sherman

Ex officio members: Regents Drake, Reilly, and Newsom 

Advisory members: Faculty Representative Steintrager; Chancellors Khosla, Lyons, and May


Special Committee on Nominations

Membership: Regents Anguiano, Elliott (Chair), Hernandez, Makarechian, Park, Reilly, and Sures




Presumably, when incoming UCLA Chancellor Frenk arrives in January 2025, he will be attached as an advisor to a committee. Officially, Gov. Newsom is president of the Board of Regents but he rarely attends.

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