
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What state are we in? - Part 2

As noted in a recent post, the governor is required by the state constitution to give a State of the State address. Usually, it occurs relatively early in the calendar year. This time, it somehow was deferred until yesterday. But it did finally happen.

If you were looking for some insight into state higher ed policy, you got a brief reference to increased enrollment in higher ed and UC and a hat tip to UCLA's new research facility to be developed at the old Westside Pavilion.**  

Most of the talk was general California boosterism, attacks on national Republicans, and favorable contrasts with "red" states.

As blog readers will know, we like to preserve things that might otherwise disappear. You can see the address at:


*Minute 19:39 at the link above.

**Minute 23:25 at the link provided above.

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