
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Watch the Regents meeting of June 12, 2024

As blog readers will know, what was originally scheduled as an off-cycle meeting of the Regents' Health Services Committee was enlarged  as a full board session to name the new UCLA chancellor. We have already described that portion of the meeting.*

Apart from the segment on the new chancellor, there were public comments initially and then - after the naming - the scheduled Health Services session.

Public comments mainly focused on issues related to the Israel-Gaza War with calls for divestment and complaints about campus policing. There were also a couple of opposing comments. Other topics included nurse scheduling and student addiction services. Many who signed up for commenting did not appear when called.

At Health Services, an executive pay plan was proposed for implementation on July 1. However, Regent Pérez, chair of the committee, found the explanation of the plan to be vague and asked for more information. He postponed discussion of the plan until after lunch. But when the committee resumed after lunch, there was no quorum. So, the plan was not further discussed and was not approved. Presumably, it will be an item at the next meeting.

There was then a lengthy discussion of ambulatory care access including such things as how fast patients could access care or obtain and appointment. An external organization - Vizient - is apparently to be used as a consultant for measurement and benchmarking.**

Data governance and the issue of sharing data from patients within the UC system for research but also for outside organizations for commercial use was discussed in the context of patient consent for such use. As we have noted, given the data breaches that have occurred (without anyone's consent), one wonders about the focus on governance at this point.*** 

A discussion of student health services focused on reproductive care: contraception, abortion, prenatal. (The last is apparently delivered outside the services by regular health providers.) Concern was expressed that the services are not billing the insurance companies including Medi-Cal which cover the students for their costs, or are not doing so effectively, leaving potentially millions of dollars on the table. Regents Sures, Leib, and Pérez all expressed concern about this problem. There is also an issue of whether the student centers should be integrated with the larger health enterprise on those campuses that have such enterprises.

As always, we preserve the recordings of Regents meeting since the Regents have no policy on duration of retention. 

The general website for this session can be found at:

Public comments are at:

The segment with the approval of the new UCLA chancellor and the Health Services Committee is at:





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