
Friday, June 7, 2024

State Supreme Court Clears Way for People's Park Project

From the LA Times: The California Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that UC Berkeley can proceed with its controversial plan to build high-rise student housing on the site of storied People’s Park just south of the college campus. In a unanimous opinion authored by Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero, the court overturned an appellate court ruling and dismissed a lawsuit filed by opponents of the development, writing: “In short, as all parties have effectively acknowledged, this lawsuit poses no obstacle to the development of the People’s Park housing project.”

“We are pleased and relieved that the Supreme Court’s decision enables the campus to resume construction at People’s Park,” UC Berkeley officials said in a prepared statement. “The housing components of the project are desperately needed by our students and unhoused people, and the entire community will benefit from the fact that more than 60% of the 2.8-acre site will be revitalized as open park space.”

The statement said details on the construction timeline would be released in the weeks ahead...

Full story

The case largely turned on local objections to "social noise" students might make which the court rejected based on a special legislative enactment. So that settles that. Or does it?

The decision is at:

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