
Monday, June 17, 2024

New Effort on TMT

As blog readers will know, from time to time we look in on the Hawaiian telescope project (TMT) of which UC is a part. Apparently, a new face has been brought in to deal with the stalled project. From Hawaii News Now

It’s been five years since thousands of protesters blocked the start of construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope planned near the summit of Mauna Kea. Now, a different management team is trying a different approach to try to move the telescope forward. “On behalf of my organization, I want to start by apologizing for causing all the divisions in the community,” said TMT Project Manager Fengchuan Liu as he began an interview with Hawaii News Now.

Liu moved to Hilo three years ago to join a team that’s trying to repair the project’s public relations. “We’re really trying to go back to square zero, to listen and learn, to respect the people, the aina, the history, and really trying to build long term trust and relationships with the community,” Liu said. “This is not a short-term PR move.”

To connect with Native Hawaiians, TMT management has been holding meetings in rural areas, conducting teacher workshops and running programs on stargazing and reforestation. “A lot of our programs have been community-based,” said TMT Community Adviser Keoki Kai. “Not education, but also vocational learning in the future.”

“In fact, several of our advisors are ki’ai (protectors) leaders and Hawaiian cultural practitioners,” said TMT Education, Outreach and Broader Impacts Manager and Scientist Yuko Kakazu. “It’s not going to work,” said Hawaiian activist Healani Sonoda-Pale. “I think Hawaiians have dug in their heels.”

The effort is coming as TMT is trying to get the National Science Foundation to fund half of the current $3 billion cost of the telescope. “If we can stop the National Science Foundation funding, if we can put a roadblock on that, then I think it will send a real clear message that this project is really done,” said Sonoda-Pale... 

Full story at

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