
Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Yours truly came across the two letters below on the systemwide Academic Senate website. He may be reading between the lines but what is said to be a clarification of the faculty's role relative to graduate students seems based on an expectation that in upcoming negotiations with the union representing student-workers, there will be some kind of impinging on that role. See the phrase in bold face below: 

June 13, 2024



Re: Statement on Faculty Responsibility

Dear Provost Newman,

At its May 22, 2024 meeting, the Academic Council endorsed the attached statement from the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA). The statement addresses the role and responsibilities of faculty in guiding graduate students and assessing their academic progress.

This statement has been reviewed by UC Legal and the Office of Academic Personnel and Programs. We believe it will serve as a valuable resource in the upcoming negotiations with academic employees, helping to clarify and reaffirm the central role of faculty in graduate education.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


James Steintrager, Chair

Academic Council




June 6, 2024


Dear Chair Steintrager,

This spring, CCGA has worked to develop a statement that concisely defines the role and responsibilities of faculty with regard to graduate students. That statement is as follows:

The Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA) prepared this statement of intent and principles to help clarify the roles and responsibilities of faculty in guiding graduate students and assessing academic progress.

The fundamental commitment to education is the basis for the faculty’s purview over academic programs, policies, and standards. UC faculty authority for oversight and assessment of academic progress is infrangible and applies whether or not a graduate student is supported with a fellowship; whether or not a graduate student is employed as a researcher, teaching assistant, or in any other capacity; and/or whether or not a graduate student is enrolled in a traditional or independent study course. UC faculty oversee and have plenary authority over all graduate programs, degrees, and courses, and are responsible for setting disciplinary and interdisciplinary standards and assessing the academic progress of students they advise. Mentoring, collaboration, and creative discovery may occur through a wide variety of activities and methods, on the basis of both formal and informal interactions. These activities and assessments are intended to benefit graduate students, in their pursuit of advanced degrees, by helping to assure that students remain on track and on schedule, have clear goals and expectations, and establish themselves as experts and leaders in their chosen fields.

CCGA respectfully requests that Council hold an email vote to endorse this statement so that it can be forwarded to the Provost and campuses as soon as possible.

Thank you. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Dean J. Tantillo

Chair, CCGA



It would be nice to know more about what triggered these letters.

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