
Friday, May 17, 2024

What Didn't Happen at the Regents

One of the more controversial issues that was due to be taken up at the Regents was the question of departmental political statements. It was scheduled for yesterday's meeting. But at some point, it was taken off the agenda. An explanation was given in the Daily Bruin article below for the change in schedule. Yours truly suspects it was deferred because it was seen as likely to be the source of further protests. Deferring it to the next meeting puts it in July. Just a surmise. 

From the Bruin: The UC Board of Regents Academic and Student Affairs Committee deferred a proposal to limit University faculty from making political statements on departmental website homepages. The Regents previously delayed a vote on the proposal – Item J1 – in March to Thursday.

The proposal was deferred because there was judged to be insufficient time to discuss it Thursday. The regents had not yet finished their closed session discussions on campus safety by 12:30 p.m., when they were scheduled to have done so. The Daily Bruin understands there were also concerns that the regents would not have had a quorum to discuss the item. The proposal mandates that departmental homepage websites can only be used for information regarding University operations. Personal or collective opinions of members of the department would not be permitted on departmental homepages, but the proposal would not restrict faculty members from posting opinions on their individual faculty webpages or social media...

Full story at

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