
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Strike News - Part 2

Yesterday, the UAW 4811 strike spread to UCLA.

Yours truly gathered up some videos that were tweeted by various observers. You can see them as a compilation at the link below.

As has previously been noted, the union has declared this strike to be an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike which gives it certain legal protections IF the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) sees it that way. UC contends it is a political strike linked to protests related to the Israel-Gaza War and violates the contractual no-strike clauses in the current labor-management contracts.

Much of the video below shows picket signs and actions in keeping with the ULP official legal message. However, someone seems to have gone off-script in the last segment. Eventually, PERB will decide unless some other resolution is reached. If the matter is decided at PERB, social media evidence could be introduced as evidence. Link below:

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