
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Will Telescope Removal Foster Telescope Replacement?

From time to time we look in at the ongoing controversy about building a thirty-meter telescope (TMT) in Hawaii. If you're not familiar with this longrunning controversy and UC's involvement, use the search engine on this blog and words such as TMT, telescope, and Hawaii to understand the story. From the Honolulu Star-Advertiser:

The Caltech Submillimeter Observatory telescope on Mauna Kea has been removed and packed for shipment to Chile. Caltech, a private science and engineering institute in Pasadena, Calif., said in a news release Thursday that with the removal, "Deconstruction of the dome and restoration of the site will resume after the winter." Caltech said the cost of deconstruction and site restoration is expected to exceed $4 million and is being funded primarily by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, while the removal of the telescope for reuse is being funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation. The Caltech telescope is the first of five earmarked for decommissioning to make way for the landmark Thirty Meter Telescope.

Caltech is one of the partners planning to build the $2.65 billion TMT, along with the University of California and science institutions from China, India, Canada and Japan. The removal of five telescopes from the Mauna Kea summit is a condition of the TMT's conservation district use permit. However, the controversial telescope remains on hold while the National Science Foundation conducts environmental studies and weighs the possibility of investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the project. How that plan ultimately plays out remains uncertain under the new Maunakea Stewardship Oversight Authority, approved in 2022 by the state Legislature and signed into law by former Gov. David Ige. The authority will take full control of the astronomy precinct from the university following a five-year transition period.

...The latest University of Hawaii Mauna Kea Master Plan calls for a maximum of nine observatories to remain atop Hawaii's tallest mountain by the time the Mauna Kea Science Reserve lease expires in 2033. There are currently 13 telescopes, with four to be decommissioned, and if the TMT is built, a fifth would be taken out of operation.

Full story at

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