
Friday, January 19, 2024

Nasty Things Seem to Be Happening at UC-San Diego

From NBC San Diego: Disgraced former County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is facing more harassment allegations.* And this time, he and the County of San Diego are accused of retaliation. The complaint filed in court alleges the county and Nathan Fletcher — a county supervisor at the time — retaliated against UC San Diego professor Juli Hinds in April of 2023, after she reported a student's harassment claims against him.** 

Court documents detail how Hinds informed university administrators at UCSD’s Office of Student Disability Services that a student had reported “harassing conduct” from Fletcher.*** Fletcher was UCSD’s first professor of practice in political science in 2013. It’s when a retired or practicing professional teaches through expertise, without a traditional academic background or credentials. Before that, he had served two terms in the California Assembly. 

Hinds stated, in the following days, the county began to end county contracts she was working on. Complaint documents state that “the County of San Diego tortiously interfered with contractual and economic relationships of claimant Juli Beth Hinds, causing her economic damages.” It alleges she was terminated from county contracted projects with UCSD focused on the implementation of the county’s Regional Decarbonization Framework and preparation of the Regional Water Equity Report.

Hinds is listed in the complaint as a staff research associate and lecturer in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at UCSD and principal of Birchline Planning LLC. 

The county of San Diego is not providing comment at this time



*Information on Fletcher's career and current problems at at

**Hinds is not a professor but is a lecturer:

***Note that university rules generally require such reporting. One wonders what legal support UC-San Diego is thus providing.

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