
Friday, December 1, 2023

Hidden Message?

UCOP Daily News Clips usually features current articles related to, or of interest to, UC. However, its November 28th listing featured a November 15th posting by the Center for Immigration Reform, an organization that generally pushes for tighter immigration controls. 

November 15th happened to be the first day of the Regents meetings. During those meetings, President Drake indicated that the releasing of final conclusions by the special regental committee set up to explore UC's potential hiring of undocumented students would be delayed.*

As it happens, the posting by the Center for Immigration Reform indicated that its legal analysis suggested that UC officials, including the Regents, could face criminal penalties were such hiring to occur. It acknowledged that the Biden administration would be unlikely to pursue such remedies but noted that the statute of limitation that applied would run into the term of whoever became president after the 2024 elections. The posting might also be read as a threat by the Center to file litigation against UC if it undertook to hire undocumented students.

You can read the Center's November 15th posting entitled Are UC Officials Who Hire Illegal Aliens Subject to Criminal Prosecution? at:


*You can see his remarks at the link below:

Or direct to

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