
Monday, November 28, 2022

The One Percent

From the Century City-Westwood News:

...39 UCLA faculty members were named among world’s most influential researchers in the sciences and social sciences this week. The Highly Cited Researchers list, compiled annually by analytics firm Clarivate, identifies scholars whose work has been cited most often in papers published by other researchers in their fields over the past decade. Those chosen for the 2022 list have authored studies that rank in the top 1% in the number of scholarly citations worldwide. Several UCLA scholars were among the most highly cited researchers in more than one of the list’s 22 research categories.

“The Highly Cited Researchers list identifies and celebrates exceptional individual researchers at UCLA who are having a significant impact on the research community as evidenced by the rate at which their work is being cited by their peers,” said David Pendlebury, head of research analysis at the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate. “These individuals are helping to transform human ingenuity into our world’s greatest breakthroughs — and it is an honor to celebrate their achievements.” Current UCLA faculty members named to the list, along with their primary UCLA research field or fields, are:

Nasim Annabi, chemical and biomolecular engineering 

Matthew Budoff, medicine

Jun Chen, bioengineering 

Bartosz Chmielewski, medicine

Giovanni Coppola, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences 

Xiangfeng Duan, inorganic chemistry 

Bruce Dunn, materials science and engineering

David Eisenberg, biochemistry

Richard Finn, medicine 

Gregg Fonarow, medicine 

Edward Garon, medicine 

Daniel Geschwind, neurology

Tamir Gonen, biological chemistry

Michael Green, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences 

Sander Greenland, statistics and epidemiology 

Steve Horvath, biostatistics and human genetics 

Elaine Hsiao, integrative biology

Yu Huang, materials science and engineering

Michael Jerrett, environmental health sciences

Richard Kaner, inorganic chemistry 

Baljit Khakh, physiology 

Nathan Kraft, ecology and evolutionary biology 

David Liebeskind, neurology 

Yuzhang Li, chemical and biomolecular engineering 

Aldons Lusis, medicine 

Carol Mangione, medicine

Bengt Muthen, education

Aydogan Ozcan, electrical engineering 

Mason Porter, mathematics 

Steven Reise, psychology 

Antoni Ribas, medicine 

Lawren Sack, ecology and evolutionary biology 

Jeffrey Saver, neurology 

Michael Sawaya, molecular biology 

Michael Sofroniew, neurobiology 

Marc Suchard, human genetics

Christopher Tang, business administration

Edward Wright, astronomy

Yang Yang, materials science and engineering

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