
Monday, May 17, 2021

The 3% Letter

UC President Drake sent out a letter last week to the campuses announcing a 3% general pay increase for nonunion staff for the next academic year. Exactly what the implications will be for faculty and union-represented employees is not spelled out. It appears the campuses have some discretion in defining eligibility for those covered by the letter. Some campuses have already circulated announcements:

Santa Cruz:


The letter itself - shown above - is at:

In any case, we'll just have to wait to see (and listen) if more letters come with good news:

1 comment:

  1. Union Employees will get the salary that is spelled out in their collective bargaining agreements with the UC. UC can't go against this without it being a legal problem. This was the case last year where unionized employees got their raises per the bargaining agreements, and non-unionized (PPSM) employees got nothing.
