
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Annoyed about the "Pension Administration Project"

The Regents are meeting this week. It's getting annoying to see something called the "Pension Administration Project" repeatedly on the Regents' agenda - but always in closed session. There has been a lot of concern of late about pension administration involving delays for new retirees getting their checks and dependents getting checks after the deaths of retirees. It's hard to imagine that the top-secret "Pension Administration Project" has absolutely nothing to do with such concerns. You can see the latest close-session agenda item for the "Pension Administration Project" at:

The justification for discussing in secret whatever this matter entails is said to be: 

Closed Session Statute Citations: Personnel matters [Education Code §92032(b)(7)]* and Litigation [Education Code §92032(b)(5)] **   [See footnotes below.]

So presumably someone is being reviewed/hired/fired and there is an actual or potential lawsuit about it.

When yours truly inquired about the "Pension Administration Project" in the past, he was assured it is nothing to worry about. So he is worried about it - and annoyed at the secrecy.

*(7)(A) Matters concerning the appointment, employment, performance, compensation, or dismissal of university officers or employees, excluding individual regents other 

--than the president of the university.

(B)(i) Action taken by a committee of the regents, and final action by the full board of regents, on a proposal for the compensation package of the following executive officers shall occur in an open session of each of those bodies, and shall include a disclosure of the compensation package and rationale for the action:

(I) The President of the University of California.

(II) The chancellor of an individual campus.

(III) A vice president.

(IV) The treasurer or the assistant treasurer.

(V) The general counsel.

(VI) The regents' secretary.

(ii) Members of the public shall be afforded the opportunity to address the committee and full board on the proposal during or before consideration of the action item.


**(5) Matters involving litigation, when discussion in open session concerning those matters would adversely affect, or be detrimental to, the public interest.

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