
Monday, June 22, 2020

State budget deal reportedly reached

As blog readers will know, after the governor released his May Revise budget proposal for 2020-21, the legislature produced its own "budget" and passed it by the June 15th deadline. Details on what the legislature actually did at that time are sparse. We have noted that the legislature can pass something it defines as a budget, even if it is incomplete, and still meet the deadline (and avoid loss of pay). Analysis of what the legislature passed by the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) was vague. There were no general tables of revenue and expenditure.

The Sacramento Bee and other outlets are now reporting that a deal between the governor and legislative Democrats (Republicans no longer matter in budget negotiations) has been reached.

The Bee's report has these final sentences:

A budget source who declined to speak on the record said the agreement still contains cuts that are contingent on the state receiving $14 billion in federal funds. If those funds materialize, they will be used for K-12 schools and higher education, the judicial branch, housing, teacher training and state employee compensation, the source said. If the federal government provides less than $14 billion, the source said money will be divvied up proportionally based on the language in the actual bill, which has not yet been released.

Full story at

Note that "higher education" could mean only community colleges since they are included with K-12 under Prop 98. We won't know until more details are released.

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