
Friday, June 12, 2020

Huh? Does Irvine's Fall Reopening Plan Make Sense?

UC-Irvine fall reopening features students present on campus, but almost all courses online. What exactly is the purpose of being on campus in that context? Official statement below: [excerpts]

...Instructional Modes

We are committed to ensuring timely progress to degree for all students. All academic units are developing comprehensive plans that are flexible enough to handle the uncertainty associated with the pandemic and provide the courses students need, independent of the mode of delivery.

What fall quarter will look like 

Almost all undergraduate courses will be delivered in a remote format in the fall quarter. A few exceptions are being evaluated, and consist of specialized upper-division labs, specific clinical and experiential courses, and some design courses in Engineering. Details on these exceptions will be shared as they are finalized. 

What we expect for the rest of the 2020-21 academic year

As we look to winter and spring quarters, there is greater uncertainty, but our plan is to increasingly move to in-person instruction. To the degree that we are able to provide in-person instruction, remote options will be available for students that require them...


We are committed to providing as many students as possible with a meaningful on-campus residential experience. We will have space for students in single and double rooms. The rooms have been modified to accommodate current public health guidance including the addition of room dividers and increases to cleaning and sanitation schedules. To the extent possible, we are planning for in-person activities, programs, and events within our residential communities... 


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