
Monday, April 13, 2020

TV Interview


Napolitano: Our medical centers have been running full-bore to deal with Covid-19.They’re dealing with all the patients that are presenting themselves. They’re preparing for the surge that we expect to come, making sure that we have enough masks and personal protective equipment and ventilators to deal with those patients. And then, in addition, we have lots of research underway. All of our hospitals now have their own tests that they’re able to administer, analyzing different treatment modalities and working on a potential vaccine. We have over 300 research projects underway at the university...

Credit to our faculty. They turned on a dime and quickly turned from in-classroom instruction to online and remote learning. Many of our campuses and classes have transferred to being either pass/no pass or letter grade optional. The campuses have emptied out. The students have left the dorms and dining facilities; we’ve given refunds for those. We’ve loosened up some of our admissions requirements for incoming students, so that we will count more classes they take this semester pass/no pass, both for high school seniors and juniors and also for transfer students, and we have suspended use of the SAT for 2020 and 2021. So we’ve been focused both on how we continue instructing students so they can continue progress toward their degrees to making sure the university is open, accessible to new students who wish to attend...

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