
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Coronavirus Instructions for Instruction

From an email circulated yesterday afternoon:

To: Administrative Officers, Deans, Department Chairs, Directors, Vice Chancellors and Vice Provosts, UCLA Faculty, Lecturers, Teaching Assistants

Dear Colleagues:
In preparation for possible transition of classes to alternative delivery modalities as a result of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, we want to share with you some tools that are available to support academic continuity. UCLA has invested in additional software licenses and other technology that will aid you and your students to continue your instruction and learning. Please anticipate and prepare for the possibility that you may have to provide alternatives for access to lectures, discussion sections, office hours, remaining assignments, and final exams.
A campus working group, chaired by Special Assistant for Online Initiatives and Professor of History Jan Reiff, has developed a resource document to assist faculty, including Geffen Academy teachers, to move instruction to an online environment should classes be disrupted by the impacts of COVID-19. While it does not cover all circumstances, nor does it apply to all classes, it does provide potential solutions to situations that might arise. The tools will also be available during the Spring quarter or during other circumstances when you or your students may not be able to attend class in person.
Some of the tools we recommend include:
  • Zoom, to let your students watch your lectures in real time, participate in discussion sections and review sessions, and work with other members of their project teams. We have procured additional licenses and made it easier to download the application and set it up. A limited number of laptops and iPads are available to loan to faculty who do not currently have equipment that supports Zoom or other online collaboration tools, and are not able to obtain them through their department or borrow from a colleague.
  • BruinCast, to video stream and/or audio podcast regularly scheduled undergraduate lectures.
  • UCLA Common Collaboration and Learning Environment (CCLE), to create class and collaboration websites where you can store course materials, assignments, and more.
  • Respondus, to allow you to conduct your exams online.
If you know that you have students in your class who require accommodation, please email We will provide you with solutions to meet those requirements or direct you to the individuals on campus who can answer your questions.
Finally, if you are sick, please follow campus advice and call your health care provider to see if you should self-quarantine or make arrangements to be tested. If you are unable to come to campus, notify your department chair and communicate your absence to your TAs and students. If you are not sick, plan for the situation that some of your students might be unable to come to campus because they are ill or quarantined.
We want to thank you all for your patience and support at this time. The UCLA community is committed to ensuring academic success and the safety and well-being of all Bruins.
Emily A. Carter
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Michael Meranze
Chair, UCLA Academic Senate

Note: USC is reportedly going to try three days of online classes as a test:

Stanford is switching to online classes and take-home exams:

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