
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Tuition Vote Moved to Wednesday

According to the LA Times, the Regents' vote on a tuition increase will take place next week and will not be delayed - as some have requested - until the March meeting. The date of the vote was moved to Wednesday since the ex officio regents will be attending the governor's state of the state address on Thursday. From the LA Times:

The University of California is proposing to raise tuition and the student services fee for state residents by 2.7%, an increase of $342 to a total of $12,972 for the 2018-19 academic year... The vote on the tuition proposal was moved up a day, to Wednesday, to avoid a conflict for ex-officio regents who will attend Brown’s State of the State address on Thursday.

State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and others had asked UC President Janet Napolitano to change the date so more could attend the meeting. Student regent Paul Monge and two other student leaders had asked that the vote be moved to the March meeting at UCLA, because the Westwood campus is accessible to more students than UC San Francisco, which has no undergraduate campus.

Despite the scheduling change, Rendon will not attend the regents meeting because he has a “fully booked day in the Capitol,” his spokesman said. (Lt. Gov.) Newsom is scheduled to attend.

Full story at

As we noted in prior posts, the governor in his budget message is opposed to a tuition increase.

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