
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Going Down

The University of California, aiming to end fighting over how many out-of-state students it admits, on Tuesday announced a revised proposal to limit non-Californian and international undergraduates.

Under the proposal, UC would restrict the percentage of nonresident students to 18% at five of its nine undergraduate campuses. UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego and UC Irvine — whose proportion of nonresident students exceeds 18% — would be allowed to keep, but not increase, those higher percentages.

The new plan is a retreat from the proposal for a 20% systemwide cap on nonresident students that university officials presented to the UC Board of Regents in March. The cap, which would have been the first of it its kind, drew so much dissension from faculty and lawmakers that it was pulled from action and a vote was delayed until this month.

UC has faced much criticism from California families who think the university gives spots to out-of-state students at the expense of those who live here. State lawmakers threatened to block more funding if UC didn’t put a nonresident policy in place. But many faculty members said a limit would deprive schools of both money and top college applicants.

UC spokeswoman Dianne Klein called the revised policy a “consensus decision” reached after extensive discussions. Should the regents approve the policy at their May 18 meeting in San Francisco, lawmakers likely would release $18.5 million in state funding to help enroll an additional 2,500 California undergraduates for the 2017-18 school year...

Full story at

Sounds like the Regents were burned by the state auditor report:
[You may need to click twice.]

1 comment:

  1. Once again UCLA and UCB get more money than UCSC, UCSB, UCR, …
    This has been an ongoing inequity for the 31 years I've been a UC faculty member, and each attempt to "fix" things (like rebenching) has been cleverly arranged to actually make the inequity worse.
