
Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Missing Link: Listen to the Regents Afternoon Meeting of Sept. 15, 2016

In our new format - following the change in Regents meetings with their simultaneous committee meetings and temporary archiving on YouTube - we first indefinitely archive the audio and then, in a later post after we have listened, provide some commentary. In previous post-meeting entries, we have reviewed the entire meeting except for one session.

The one missing link is the afternoon session of Sept. 15. And basically - except for the closed part which we, of course, can't evaluate - you probably will find the first half of it the least interesting of the Sept. 14-15 sessions. Much of that segment involves self reviews of Irvine and Riverside. But it is then presentation on state demographics and their implications for UC.

The demographics component looked at the changing ethnic/race composition of California, projections of future college-age students, concerns about lack of A-G offerings in high schools of some school districts, etc.

There was supposed to be a segment on the financials of the endowment and pension funds - which didn't look good for the year ended last June 30. But that segment was postponed to the next meeting, with no-so-subtle hints that targets for future returns (and thus also the discount rate for assessing pension liabilities) will be recommended for a reduction. The next full meeting of the Regents is in mid-November. But if past practice is followed, the investment committee will likely meet before then and provide a preview of what will be recommended on target investment returns to the full board. As of this posting, no date for the committee is on the Regents' website.

You can hear the afternoon session of Sept. 15 at:

Note: There was a closed session on Sept. 27 to deal with the post-Katehi selection of a new permanent chancellor for Davis:

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