
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yudof Announces Merit Pay Increase Plan

President Yudof has issued a letter today indicating there will be merit-based pay raises for faculty "at all levels" of 3% and non-represented (nonunion) staff earning up to $200,000. It is unclear exactly what this means for faculty (who get step and promotion advances).

The letter is at

A Sacramento Bee description of the letter and some background is at

Clearly, a golden future awaits:

Update: There is a LA Times version of this story at,0,298613.story
But it does not make the matter any clearer.

Update: The San Francisco Chronicle version tends to put a negative spin on the announcement but contains the statement:

... all faculty and eligible staff will get a raise - generally about 3 percent of their base salary - if they receive a positive performance evaluation this fall.

Of course, not all faculty normally receive merit reviews in a given year. So this statement may mean that what we have here is a 3% across-the-board (or almost-across-the-board) range adjustment.

Yours truly has now received additional info: Faculty who have received a satisfactory performance (merit) review in the past 4 years will get the 3% as of October 1, 2011.


  1. 1/8 th of the California workforces is unemployed. People are loosing their homes. Tuition is increased.

    This is not the time for a merit increase for faculty & Chancellors.

    UC arragance trumps California folks again

  2. loosing arragance


  3. University of California faculty gain merit increases, raises in pay, salary increases from the California economic pain. 12% unemployed, reduced wages in private sector

    17,000 UC earn $100,000

    Raises fueled by tuition increases. Students and their parents face higher rates. UC Berkeley now the most expensive public USA university.

    UC faculty gains are Californians pain
