
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Audio of Regents Meeting on Budget, 3-16-11, For Your Listening Pleasure

The Regents meeting this morning dealt with budgetary issues. There were reports by three chancellors (from Santa Cruz, Irvine, and Berkeley) on the impact of the budget squeeze on their campuses. The Regents had various reactions to the situation. Plans were offered by Peter Taylor to generate more cash through portfolio management. He argued that even though somewhat more risk was entailed, the proposals were sufficiently conservative to insulate UC from a crisis.

There was discussion of a new plan under which UCOP would pass state funding down to the campus level so that campuses would operate more autonomously. The campuses would then pay a tax to support UCOP. It was said by President Yudof that quasi-mandates by the legislature could no longer be honored automatically, given the fund cutbacks from the state. Students urged the Regents to support the governor’s proposed tax extensions, assuming these make it to the ballot. There was also a brief reference to the anti-Asian YouTube issue at UCLA. (See the earlier post.)

The videos (actually audios with a still picture) below cover the morning session on the budget in nine parts. There was a continuation in the afternoon. Other obligations prevented yours truly from recording that session. I again raise the question of why the audio of Regents meetings is only streamed live and not archived online for future use.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9 (end):

UPDATE: A news account of the meeting is at

1 comment:

  1. I'd be very interested in your assessment of Peter Taylor's portfolio strategies. They seem to fall into two major groups in the short run: the STIP to TRIP, which seems like an obvious and OK, perhaps long overdue, move to me. The second involves investment and in some cases trading with UC reserves. The example I heard (I was multitasking) was of one "panic opportunity" for buying munis cheap. The figure attached to the overall category was $300 million for one year, which seems to me enormous. Any thoughts on this would be very welcome. thanks for the overall blog too - it's a real contribution.
