
Monday, October 5, 2020

Labor Dispute News

From the Bruin: The contract negotiations between the UCLA lecturers union and the University of California are deadlocked, as the UC braces for budget cuts amid financial deficits. University Council-American Federation of Teachers Local 1990, a union that represents non-senate faculty at UCLA, has been in contract negotiations with the UC since April 2019. UC-AFT Local 1990’s contract with the UC expired January. Since UC-AFT Local 1990 and the UC have yet to reach a consensus, the union and the UC will likely enter a period of impasse, where the negotiation is referred to the California Public Employees Relations Board for mediation, said Caroline Luce, a member of the union’s organizing committee. Luce added that periods of impasse can take a long time and the union may have to strike to break the impasse...

UC is committed to negotiating a contract with UC-AFT Local 1990 as soon as possible, but negotiations have been slow, said UC spokesperson Stett Holbrook in an emailed statement...

Full story at

Comment: Yours truly used to teach courses in this area and two points are worth noting. Public sector labor disputes often take a long time to resolve. The fact that there is a built-in impasse procedure in the state law covering disputes can act add to delay in resolution. In addition, public statements by both sides are a form of indirect negotiation and communication to the opposite side, even during impasses. There could be public comments on this dispute at the upcoming off-cycle Regents meeting we posted about yesterday.

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