
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Sit for the SAT?

Marcy Zaldana, a college counselor at Washington Preparatory High School, had big news for her 11th-graders during a Zoom meeting last week: The University of California had just dropped SAT and ACT testing requirements for admission.
The students erupted in cheers, she said. The South L.A. high school educates mostly low-income, black and Latino students who would be the first in their families to attend college — the youths who, research shows, face bias in standardized tests, potentially hurting their college admission chances. But their elation evaporated with Zaldana’s next words: Take the test anyway.
“I told them you should consider taking the SAT if you want to have more options,” the college counselor said. “They thought it was like a free ride and I said no, no, no.” ...

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