
Friday, December 28, 2018

Got Grants?

From the website above: Due to a lapse in appropriations, NSF is closed. NSF will continue to accept proposals in accordance with published deadlines.
Information About the Government Shutdown for NSF Proposers and Grantees

This document addresses the various assistance and contract-related policy and systems issues that may arise during a lapse in appropriations of the Federal Government. NSF is providing this information as a service to our proposer and awardee communities in the hopes that it will address most of the questions you may have during this time period. Unfortunately, considerable uncertainty exists surrounding a lapse in appropriations. As a result, proposers and awardees are strongly encouraged to monitor news outlets to determine if the Federal government, and therefore NSF, is open for business.

Please be aware that, except as noted below, NSF will not be available to respond to emails or phone calls during a lapse in appropriations, but will respond as soon as practicable after normal operations have resumed. NSF is committed to minimizing the negative impacts a disruption may have on the science and engineering enterprise and, as necessary, will issue follow-on guidance after normal operations resume.

Pre-award Activities for Assistance Awards (Grants and Cooperative Agreements)

Proposal Preparation & Submission
  • No new funding opportunities (Dear Colleague Letters, program descriptions, announcements or solicitations) will be issued.
  • FastLane and proposal preparation and submission will be available; however, proposals will not be processed until normal operations resume.
  • proposal preparation and submission will likely be available; however, proposals will not be processed until normal operations resume.
  • Responses to any inquiries received regarding upcoming deadlines, including proposal preparation, will be deferred until normal operations resume.
Impact on Existing Deadlines

During a lapse in appropriations, NSF will continue to accept proposal submissions pursuant to existing deadlines.

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